I'm coach Dan. I coach men to take their balls back and become the Legendary Alpha they were always meant to be. After years of not feeling like my best self, I went on a journey of self-discovery. My journey started with improving my health and getting licensed as a health coach to help other men do the same. I used the confidence I developed while getting healthy and decided to leave my toxic job and work for myself. This daisy chained to setting boundaries with folks who didn't treat me well and ending some relationships completely. In the end my health is better than ever, I'm in control of my income, and my relationships with my wife and kids have never been better.
While I was a health coach, I realized most men needed a lot more than coaching on health and fitness, they needed a coach to help with a complete mindset shift. Looking at men's role in today's society I realized we're all fighting a battle that most men were never equipped for. This is why I shifted from health coaching men to helping them become bulletproof by coaching them to take their balls back. The problem in today's society isn't too much masculinity, it's the exact opposite.